Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Town Centre Survey 2022 - Background and Results

In September 2022 we asked you to tell us what you like about Marlborough now, and just as important, to share your ideas about what would make you love it more, and how you'd like to see it develop.

Marlborough High Street is consistently ranked among the best in the UK.  Our historic, famously wide High Street is the jewel in the crown… and while we know there's so much more to beautiful Marlborough, some people might not.  The Town Council wants to keep Marlborough at the top of the rankings and shout about the whole town centre.  It is determined to do everything it can to make sure the town remains vibrant and attractive for everyone.

From time to time, grants and funding opportunities become available.  These might be as diverse as providing support to businesses, investing in town centre infrastructure, promoting town centre shopping, improving public transport and more.  Whatever they are, the Town Council wants to have a plan in place now, so that it can act quickly to secure funding as it becomes available.

We have every reason to look at ways to protect our unique blend of fabulous retail, hospitality, leisure and visitor attractions and green spaces to be sure that, as trends and needs change, our town centre will always remain appealing and accessible to all, for years to come.

The survey closed on 18 October.

Read more: background details


Highlights from 480 responses to the survey:

Town Centre key strengths – over 75% strongly agreed or agreed:

• Great base to access Heritage Sites and areas of outstanding natural beauty
• Beautiful buildings
• Open spaces, parks and play areas
• Vibrant feel during the day
• Strong cultural scene-arts ,music cinema and festivals
• Great range of Independent Traders
• Wide variety of food /drink outlets

Improving your experience - over 60% called for improvements:

• Traffic congestion and poor air quality
• More parking for visitors and residents
• More prominent signposting
• Visible and accessible visitor information
• A more vibrant feel by night
• Improved access for people with disabilities
• Needs to be “Greener”
• Increased range of retail outlets
• More shops for lower income families
• Improved range of Hotels and B&B accommodation

Top suggestions for making Marlborough even better:

Smoother Traffic flows-92% | Improved street scene-89% | Cleaner air quality-85% | Safer pedestrian environment-85% | Encourage business start ups-84% | Larger more diverse market-83% | Flexible use of public space-81% | Improved recycling bins-81% | Improved access to River Kennet-81% | More business support, access to grant funding-76% | Sustainable tourism-71% | Easy access for long stay parking -69% | Easier access to Town Centre via public transport -68% | Improved accessibility for disabled- 62% | Dedicated parking for residents -61% | Electric vehicle charging points -58% | Safer environment for Cyclists-57%

read the full results of the survey:

View/download a pdfsummary report1.51 MB (graphs only)

View/download a pdfdetailed report1.78 MB (graphs and all text comments)

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