Explore a little further
These attractions can all be found within approximately an hour's drive from Marlborough.
Connecting Wiltshire can help to plan travel options, including public transport.
EXPLORE WILTSHIRE app: explore local history and discover Wiltshire's rich cultural heritage, featuring information about historical landmarks, cultural sites and significant events that have helped to shape Wiltshire's landscape, and trails. The free, easy to use location-aware app, also includes historic photos, engravings and information from the archives. The app features Bradford on Avon, Chippenham, Cricklade, Devizes, Marlborough, Pewsey, Salisbury and Warminster, plus a link to the Explore Malmesbury webpage.With interactive maps, walking trails, hunts and challenges; plus photographs, audio and visual clips, people can explore in an exciting way, from a quiet walk to families looking to have a fun, entertaining experience discovering new hidden treasures in our towns.
Explore Wiltshire is available free for download to Apple and Android devices by searching 'Explore Wiltshire' on the Apple App Store: Apple App Store: Explore Wiltshire and Google Play: Google Play: Explore Wiltshire.
Kennet & Avon Canal
Hill figures
The Great Outdoors
Railway Attractions
Great West Way
See also: Nearby attractions Events, festivals & concerts VisitWiltshire