What we've done about it
Wrote to our MP in 2019 to ask the Government to incorporate CCL Carbon Fee and Dividend into policy.
Declared a Climate Emergency in 2020 and in 2021 we adopted our "Environment and Climate Protection Policy Statement".
Held a Dark Skies festival to highlight light pollution.
Make compost from our green waste.
Replaced diesel tools with electric, and we're testing electric vehicles.
Supported the Community Orchard project ('town within an orchard').
Partnered with Transition Marlborough to open a Community Fridge to reduce food waste.
We drink tap water, not water from plastic bottles, in Town Council meetings.
We've set up a Climate Emergency Working Party.
We consider climate & environmental impact on all our decisions.
We held a Climate Day in April 2022.
Insulated the roof of the Town Hall in the summer of 2022.
Supported the Great Big Green Week in September 2022.
The Community Fridge was a selected stop for the 2022 #RunningOutOfTime relay as a fantastic example of local communities taking sustainable action
Replaced the 30-year old heating system at the Town Hall
Conducted a biodiversity audit, and received a plan in 2024 to add 12 wildflower sites, and bat and hedgehog boxes at other sites
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