Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Footpath Closed

{Play}The permissive path through Coopers Meadow is temporarily closed

With river levels set to continue to rise for a little while yet, the permissive path* through Coopers Meadow as well as the path on the Town Mill side of the river are under water and so we have temporarily closed the path.

Please find an alternative route and for your own safety do not attempt to walk through flood water.

Coopers-Meadow-path The permissive path through Coopers Meadow Town-Mill The path on the Town Mill side of the river

For flood alerts and warnings please click here

To check a map for water company discharges into rivers click here

*Permissive Paths (c) CPRE

You’ll sometimes see routes marked with signs indicating that you’re using one of these, and it can feel confusing. Check those signs, if you see them, as they might include information that’s specific to that path in particular.

That’s because these are pathways that you’re allowed to use because the person who privately owns that land has made the route available to the public. The signs will indicate if there are restrictions, so do check if bikes, motorbikes or so on are allowed before making any assumptions.

'These are pathways that you’re allowed to use because the person who privately owns that land has made the route available to the public.'
This is especially key with these routes as the landowner is within their rights to withdraw the access to this land at any time and of course, are more likely to do that if the pathway is abused.

They can also sometimes temporarily withdraw it – for example for moving livestock – or limit access to certain times of the day. So as ever, check signs closely and of course, as with all pathways, follow the Countryside Code to the letter.

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