We need your views
Marlborough’s very own Community Fridge is coming soon and we need your views
Plans to open Marlborough’s Community Fridge, a partnership project between Marlborough Town Council and Transition Marlborough, are coming along nicely. The fridge co-ordinators (AKA Milly & Clare) are currently sorting out all the admin and resourcing to make the opening a success which, it is hoped, will happen in late May/Early June, to coincide with the warmer days and lighter evenings.
Will you use it? Will you support it? Do you have any thoughts?
Just to bring you up to date, the fridge itself was generously donated and set up costs are being met through fund-raising, including a £500 seed-funding grant from the Transition Network and a further £500 awarded by Wiltshire Council’s Area Board. Waitrose have also recently committed to donate food to the project and have also donated £350, which will keep us in volunteer refreshments and cleaning products for a very long time! Renaissance, who manage the retirement home on London Road have also very kindly donated the cost of the materials to build the ‘pick your own’ herb/veg garden planter, which sits outside of the fridge room. All hugely generous contributions, for which we are very grateful.
A group of willing volunteers have stepped up to help run the fridge and we are engaging with other local food retailers (Waitrose are already on board) to start building the working relationships needed to supply the fridge with a regular and varied supply of fresh and ambient foods.
With projects like this, it is really important to listen to the views of the community, whose views will shape and inform its development. A very short survey has been created, which will literally take 2 minutes to complete. Your input would be very gratefully received.
A final plea ….. Do you have an hour or two to spare a week? More volunteers are needed to help run the fridge during opening hours. Please contact charris@marlborough-tc.gov.uk to find out more about what is involved and how you could help.
Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/MarlboroughCommunityFridge for updates.
Further information and links to websites where you can find out more information:
Transition Marlborough | Transition Network | Wiltshire Council Area Boards | Waitrose | Renaissance | Hubbub - The Community Fridge