Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Great Marlborough September Clean



Our Great Marlborough September Clean litter pickers hit the ground running and kept going right through September, tackling many areas of the the town and beyond from Frees Avenue to Preshute and everything in between, including Cathryn who tackled Postern Hill.

Margaret, going solo, collected a huge amount of litter from Newby Acre and surroundings, into town and back out onto London Road towards Stonebridge. Margaret now has arms the size of Popeye’s!
A team from Tesco also tackled some of the problem areas in town to include the Rec and Salisbury Road back up to their store….. A fantastic job well done.

Alix and Louise from AB Vista were out and about armed with their pickers! Great work ladies......sorry you got a bit wet!

A big thank you to Kirsty, David, Vanessa & Susie (two of our lovely town councillors) and their families who were out and about litter picking on what was the very last day of the Great Marlborough September Clean..... thankfully another sunny one!

Some of our pickers are going to hang onto their kit and keep on picking, which is fantastic news for the town, thank you all so very much ?
A big thank you to all of the wonderful, community spirited people who took part - we couldn’t do it without you.
#KeepBritainTidy #greatmarlboroughseptemberclean #GreatBritishSeptemberClean #lovewhereyoulive #loveMarlboroughUK
a woman wearing a hi viz vest smiles at the camera.  She is holding a large plastic bag full of litterA plastic bag filled with rubbishin a field surrounded with trees a woman in a hi viz jacket collects littertwo people look down, picking up litter in a fieldA woman wearing a hi viz tabard holds a litter picker and an empty rubbish sackTwo women smile to the cameraA woman clears litter from a hedgeA large plastic bag filled with litter sits on grass beside a litter binTwo large sacks of litter sit in front of a metal drum, also full of litterA smiling woman faces the camera. She holds a litter grabber in her right hand and a plastic bag full of rubbish in her leftLitter equipment sits on the ground next to a road sign reading Newby AcreA pillar box, a plastic bag full of rubbish and a metal post are on a pavement with a brick wall behindTwo men, a woman and a young boy all wear hi visibility tabards and hold litter picking equipment. They stand in a street
A woman stands in a street, bending down to collect litter from the gutter.  Behind her is a gate and a large buildingA woman with her back to the camera retrieves rubbish from the gutter of a lay by. Cars are parked behind her and there is a hedge to her right

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