Great British Spring Clean 2019
In 2019 Marlborough once again signed up to Keep Britain Tidy's #GBSpringClean campaign. Together with Action for the River Kennet (ARK) we organised five community litter-pick events, meeting in different areas of the town (and river!) to tackle the blight of litter.
Friday 22 March - River Kennet
Friday 22 March - Town Centre
Wednesday 27 March - Manton, Barton Park and College Fields
Saturday 30 March - Rabley Wood
Sunday 7 April - St Margaret's Mead
Organised and led by our enthusiastic Assistant Town Clerk, Clare Harris, local residents and volunteers from groups and local businesses such as Marlborough in Bloom, ARK, Rick Stein, Marlborough College, Marlborough Youth Council, Police Community Support Officers and Town Councillors got stuck in and showed that it doesn't take long to make a real difference to our environment. We'd like to thank them all - and to recognise our unsung local resident #LitterHeroes who collect litter on a daily basis as they walk around their neighbourhoods. Thanks also go to our Grounds Team for supporting all of these events.