"Oh to be in England now that April's there" - Robert Browning
I can't believe that this is my last month of my Mayoral year. Where does time go?
The month started with the flag being flown on the Town Hall to celebrate my birthday which was a great honour and made my day feel very special.
We saw the shutting of the George Lane toilets and several Councillors volunteered to leaflet shops to make everyone aware. This could really be the start of a very positive move with the chance to upgrade these old toilets to something special. We are looking at including a coach driver's rest room and a small Tourist Information Point too.
This month, I attended a committee meeting with MENCAP and we were all delighted with the grant awards from the Area Board. We had discussions about the summer party and how we could include celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday. This group works hard to give a social life to its members.
I have been very busy working hard with Marlborough Scouts to organise a Duck Race on Monday, 2nd May at 2.30 pm in Waitrose car park. I had forgotten how much red tape you have to go through even for very small events. The proceeds will be shared with the Scouts and the Mayor's charity - The Brain Tumour Charity. Hopefully, we'll have a fine day, enjoyed by all.
Saturday, 9th April - Tesco very kindly gave me permission to collect for my Charity and I added £266 to my total.
Sunday, 10th April - today found me driving to Warminster to get to a Civic Service by 10 am. It was a very fulfilling service and I was able to say goodbye to other Town Mayors who I have shared my year with. I have very much enjoyed their support and company.
Monday, 11th April - I enjoyed going to the Open Studios preview held at the Mount House which was sponsored by David Dudley who hosted the event. Open Studios is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It really shows us that art, with its many diversities, plays a very large part in our culture of everyday life and we would be very much the poorer without it.
Saturday, 16th April - a disco with Mencap with the music taking me back to my youth. Unfortunately, the knees are not so young and remind me of my age, but it was enjoyed by all the members.
Sunday, 17th April - a civic service at St George's, Preshute with the flag of St George flying in the breeze. This has to be one of the most beautiful churches in Wiltshire in an idyllic setting by the River Kennet. The Mayor and Councillors were welcomed by the Rector Miri Keen. Included in the service were the Civic Service Colour Party, members of which helped read prayers with others from the congretation. Mike Tupman was with us for the first time as our Beadle and made his presence felt as did Mace Bearers, Bob and Geoffrey, who lend so much dignity to these civic occasions.

Monday, 18th April - today saw me chairing my last Full Town Council meeting which always takes a lot of thought and preparation from the office.
Tuesday, 19th April - I was invited up to Merlin Court with students from St Francis and St Mary's to bury time capsules so, who knows what will be made of the artefacts in 100 years' time! I was then invited to visit St Mary's assembly to talk to the children, wear my duck hat and given the opportunity to sell some yellow ducks for the Duck Race on 2nd May which is fundraising for the Scouts and the Mayor's Charity.
Friday, 22nd April - I went to Lockeridge to view The Marlborough Embroiderers Guild exhibition which was pretty impressive and showed off the skills in many interpretations. All the husbands of members were also present.
Saturday, 23rd April - this was a very busy day - first to Ramsbury to help unveil a plaque in memory of soldiers from Ramsbury and Axford who had fought and died in the two wars. This took place in the Memorial Hall. Ben Tottenham had done the research and there were maps of Europe's battle sites and framed regimental cap badges.
Then onto Tidworth to support the Marlborough Scout Group in joining in an all-areas Thanksgiving Service. The Chaplain, Amanda, gave a very good lesson on the Good Samaritan with help from various members of the congregation, including the Colonel, all taking part.
In the evening, I went to St Mary's for a rendering of the Marlborough Choral Society with a very ambitious programme singing the Haydn Harmoniemesse and then Rutter's Requiem which is one of my favourites.
Monday, 25th April - today was the Annual Parish Meeting and all our Chairs gave their reports and I gave a presentation of my year. This meeting is a chance for our electorate to ask questions and the main topics were toilets and parking - two problems that we will try to resolve in the next council year.
Tuesday, 26th April - Hungerford and a reception for the Mayor of Hungerford with Berkshire Mayors at the British Legion. It was far less formal than our Mayor Making ceremony in Marlborough.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May
Firstly, I'll just slip quickly back into April when, on Friday 29th April, I visited an exhibition in St Mary's Church. This was an exhibition with a difference which was meant to be thought provoking.
Then on Saturday 30th April I was in the High Street before 8 am for my street collection for The Brain Tumour Charity. I had five members of 4MI Battalion who very much helped to swell my total, and with a cake stall we were able to pass our previous year's total and brought in £1,064.
Friday, 2nd May - the day of the Duck Race. This involved a lot of hard work beforehand for Peter Povey (Marlborough Scouts) and myself. As this was a joint venture, we were seen on a regular basis wearing our duck hats in Waitrose car park selling bright yellow ducks. There was great excitement at the launch, the Mayor Duck went in first and after a few turbulent moments when she got caught in the weir and needed rescuing, all the small ducks were released. Then as every duck was urged onto the finishing line, Cllr. Kirk Wilson was chivvying on wayward ducks as they drifted in on waves waiting to be caught by valiant members of ARK. This is an event that, in the future, can be built on for the enjoyment of Marlborough. My grateful thanks to all who helped and to the businesses that sponsored it. If anyone finds any stray ducks, please hand them in at the Town Council offices.

Wednesday, 4th May - this was the evening of my reception to thank all who had donated or supported me over my Mayoral year and to hand over the cheque for £11,193.42 to my chosen charity, The Brain Tumour Charity. It was a very nice evening supported by my old colleagues from Marlborough College, the Old Dames, who helped bring together the reception and Tesco Manager, Nick Helps, who very generously provided the wine. My thanks also go to 4MI and all those others who have helped me to more than reach my total.

Friday, 6th May - The Stonebridge Meadow Wetlands project, which is an ARK initiative, includes a reed bed which will encourage wildlife and includes a viewing platform and a boardwalk. Claire Perry, MP was introduced by the Chairman of ARK, Dr. Geoffrey Finlay, who talked about the project and particularly praised Anna Forbes, ARK's project manager. Claire Perry then cut the ribbon.

{Play}Councillor Kym-Marie Cleasby's acceptance speech at Mayor Making on Monday, 13 May:

Ladies and gentlemen, honoured guests, and cherished residents of Marlborough,
The Mayor presents Councillor Fogg with his third "Past Mayor" badgeThank you for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as your Mayor. Before I delve into my vision for our community and the initiatives close to my heart, I want to take a moment to pay tribute to my predecessor, Nicholas Fogg MBE.
Nick Fogg MBE has been a beacon of leadership to our community, and his dedication to the arts in Marlborough has left an indelible mark. I’m honoured to accept the passing of the torch from Nick and I hope to continue serving Marlborough with dedication and innovation.
When we first moved to Marlborough, we didn’t know anyone… We instantly felt at home, it was just before Covid. We immediately got to know our neighbours and council staff by volunteering doing shopping & the like. We also found a wonderful set of friends here at St. Marys Church who share our desire to serve, to try and love like Jesus did. Those of you who know me, know that my faith is really important to me and informs everything I do. Thank you to everyone from all walks of life and social groups who have been so welcoming to us both.
The Cleasby family shopping for others during Covid lockdownsAs we move forward, I am excited to share with you two charities that are particularly close to my heart – Love Marlborough Kids Meals and The Jubilee Centre. These endeavours embody the essence of community, care, and resilience that define Marlborough.
Love Marlborough Kids Meals (which is a community project by St. Mary’s Church) is a testament to our commitment that no child in our town should go to bed hungry. We believe that every child deserves access to nutritious meals, regardless of their circumstances. Through this initiative, we will work tirelessly to address food insecurity among our youngest residents, ensuring that they can focus on learning, playing, and growing without the burden of hunger.
The Jubilee Centre, on the other hand, is a haven for support and empowerment. It offers a myriad of services, from a friendly ear, to skill-building workshops, fostering resilience and self-sufficiency among our VIP’s facing challenges. Together, we will create a nurturing environment where everyone can feel valued and secure.
Speaking of resilience, our community has shown incredible strength during challenging times, such as the floods that devastated Marlborough in January. In moments of crisis, I’ve experienced our town as a united front, where neighbours support one another, and the spirit of community prevails. We will work together to implement measures that enhance our preparedness and response to such challenges, ensuring the safety and well-being of every resident.
However, it's not just in times of crisis that we come together. Our community has shown its celebratory spirit during events like last year's biggest Coronation Street Party. These moments of joy and unity are integral to the fabric of Marlborough. I am committed to fostering a sense of belonging and shared celebration, creating opportunities for us to come together, connect, and rejoice in the vibrancy of our town.
In conclusion, I am honoured to serve as your Mayor, and I am eager to embark on this journey with you. United in our commitment to making Marlborough a place where every resident thrives, we will build on the strong foundation and continue to make Marlborough a place we are all proud to call home.
Thank you, and let's make Marlborough's future as bright and resilient as its remarkable past.