Marlborough Town Council
 01672 512487 09:00-16:30 Mon-Fri

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Marlborough Town Council
01672 512487 
  E-mail us  5 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1AA   Weekdays 10am-4pm

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Photo Gallery for Mayor Making, May 2022

At the Annual Town Council on 9 May 2022 - usually referred to as Mayor Making - Councillor Lisa Farrell was elected 712th Mayor of Marlborough and Councillor Donald Heath was elected Deputy Mayor.  

After the formalities Councillors posed for the traditional photograph on the steps of the Town Hall, with guests of honour High Sheriff of Wiltshire Marchioness of Lansdowne and Deputy Lieutenant Mrs Ninna Gibson.  Revd. Tim Novis has kindly agreed to be the Mayor's Chaplain for the year.

This is the second time Lisa has donned the red robe, having served for the first time in 2018.  In thanking fellow Councillors for her election she took the opportunity to give heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who work so tirelessly to support our community and said this would be the focus of her Mayoral year.  And starting as she means to go on, she presented Mayor's Awards to Tia Campbell and Genevieve Hall, both young people who have supported her, the Youth Club and who always go the extra mile to help others.  Read her speech in full here.

It has been three years since the Town Council has been able to hold this event, with retiring Mayor Councillor Cooper twice marking 'firsts' for Marlborough, having been elected Mayor via Zoom in 2020 during the Coronavirus lockdown, and again in 2021 in a masked, socially distanced Town Hall with no guests able to attend.  This year invited guests and Councillors' families were able to enjoy a delicious buffet in the Assembly Room after the event.


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