Marlborough Wards
Not sure which Ward you live in?
This list comprises an A-Z of every street name in Marlborough under the headings of East Ward or West Ward. Generally as a rule, everything East of Herd Street, London Road, The Green and Salisbury Road is EAST Ward. If you live in one of these three roads, please check your postcode as different sides of the roads are in different wards.
Please note there have been some recent (December 2020) changes to properties on the Ward boundary line, for example:
Eric Leader Close/ Frederick Dunford Close: polling district WN1 Marlborough East
Garside Way: split between polling district WM2 Marlborough West (numbers 30-34) and polling district WN1 Marlborough East
Check which Councillor represents you at Wiltshire Council here
Alexandra Terrace
Avalon Court
Barn Street
Barrow Close
Baylie Acre
Blowhorn Street
Chapter Close
Chiminage Close
Chopping Knife Lane
Churchill Court
Coldharbour Lane
Cunetio Gardens
Elcot Close
Elcot Lane
Elcot Orchard
Elizabeth Close
Five Stiles Road
Forest Dale Road
Francklyn Acre
Gales Ground
Hazel Close
Herd Street (SN8 1DG)
Kelham Gardens
Laineys Close
Laurel Drive
Lawrence Acre
Leaf Close
London Road (SN8 2AP, SN8 2AJ, SN8 2AA, SN8 2AG)
Lower Prospect
Newby Acre
North View Place
Pipers Piece
Poulton Crescent
Poulton Hill
Priory Court
Prospect Place
Purlyn Acre
Rabley Wood View
Rawlingswell Lane
Reeds Corner
Reeds Ground
Rogers Meadow
Salisbury Road (SN8 4AE)
Savernake Court
Savernake Crescent
Southview Place
St. Margarets Mead
St. Martins
Stonebridge Close
Stonebridge Lane
The Green (SN8 1AL only)
The Thorns
Tin Pit
Vespasian Road
Vicarage Close
White Horse Road
Willow Close
Wye House Gardens
Wye Lane
York Place
Alma Place
Angel Yard
Aubrey Close
Back Lane
Bath Road
Benson Close
Bergamot Close
Betjeman Road
Bridge Street
Cardigan Road
Castle Court
Cherry Orchard
College Fields
Cromwell Court
Cromwell Mews
Cross Lane
Culvermead Close
Dando Drive
Davies Close
Downs Lane
Ducks Meadow
Edwards Meadow
Falkner Close
Farrar Drive
Figgins Lane
George Lane
Golding Avenue
Granham Close
Granham Hill
Hawkins Meadow
Herd Street (SN8 1DF and SN8 1DJ)
High Street
Hilliers Yard
Holts Row
Hughes Close
Hyde Lane
Irving Way
Isbury Road
Jefferies Close
Kennet Mews
Kennet Place
Kingsbury Square
Kingsbury Street
Kingsbury Terrace
Leaze Road
London Road (SN8 1LH)
MacNiece Drive
Manton Close
Manton Down Lane
Manton Drove
Manton Hollow
Marlborough College
Morris Road
New Road
Old Lion Court
Orchard Road
Oxford Street
Pewsey Road
Preshute Lane
Riding School Yard
River Park
Russell Square
Russell Yard
Salisbury Road (SN8 4AB)
Sassoon Walk
School Lane
Sempringham Court
Shakespeare Drive
Silverless Street
Sorley Close
St. Davids Way
St. Johns Close
St. Johns Mews
St. Lukes Court
St. Margarets Cottages
St. Peters Place
Stables Court
Stanbrook Close
Tennyson Close
The Common
The Green (SN8 1AW)
The Parade
The Priory
Thomson Way
Town Mill
Upper Churchfields
Upper Isbury
Van Diemans Close
Wellington Place
West Manton